Download for Unix, linux

CleverPsych is usually used under Windows, but as it is written in Java it will theoretically run on any platform which has the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed.

We have done some basic testing on a Linux VM. Contact us if you have problems.

You may download the software, example database and support files and try out the software. You can also download for Windows. If you are already using CleverPsych and want to download the latest version we  recommend you backup your CleverData folders first. For more details read the update instructions.

CleverPsych is hosted on SourceForge, and the latest download and installation instructions can be downloaded by clicking the files in

Look on or for a Java version 8 installation package.

Read the file descriptions there. The major files of interest are:
LinuxUnixINSTALLATION.txt - installation instructions - put into your Downloads directory and unzip there. Run appropriate install script in Downloads/CleverPsych
GettingStarted.txt - look at this after you have downloaded

Follow these instructions exactly!. We are assuming that you know your way around LINUX commands.

1. Install the latest version of the Java JRE (google for Java Download). This will be from Oracle for linux or from Apple for Mac OS.

You can check the version first by typing "java -version" into a terminal window e.g.
>java -version
java version "1.7.0_17"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode,)

This is version 7 update 7.  You need Java 8!

2. If you do not have a word processor installed, download LibreOffice. You need an editor that can handle RTF files.

3. Next download into the Downloads directory and "unzip" (if you dont have Downloads create it).

This will create two directories:
CleverPsych contains the software
CleverDemo contains the demonstration
and there are two script files.

The install script is You will probably have to chmod:
cd $HOME/Downloads
cd CleverPsych
chmod 766

And run the script:

The script will backup any current CleverPsych, and do some conversion of windoze files.
The first time you install CleverPsych the CleverData folder that will contain your data is also created.
The directories are put into your home directory.

Finally CleverPsych will start using the demonstration database.

If it doesnt work look at this log (its from LINUX, but it should be similar).

The start scripts are $HOME/CleverData/scripts/ for your data,
or $HOME/CleverDemo/scripts/ if you want to use the demo system.

You may be able to set up an icon or menu item to start them. This depends on your system, but is something like:
    Right click on the menu bar and Add to panel->Custom Application Launcher.
    Then browse to CleverData/scripts/
    You can also click on the icon and browse to CleverPsych/Icons/MPS32.png.
Newer versions of Linus seem to have made this much harder.

You can look at some demonstration videos to see how to use the system.

Read the manual in the CleverPsych/doco directory for a tutorial and everything else you need to know!

You will need to edit the main configuration file
$HOME/CleverData/config/Configuration.txt either from the CleverPsych Config menu or with an editor and set all the relevant values.
