File System


Installation will give you three folders in the C: drive (or your home directory with Mac / UNIX).

You may also put the folders on a cloud file system like One Drive or Dropbox.


The main folder is CleverData. This holds your data so you will need to back it up regularly. The sub-folders of interest are:

New Versions

When you  download and install a new version of CleverPsych from

Multiple Instances

CleverPsych is essentially a single psychologist system. We usually recommend that you consider buying a laptop as you can then take it home and to any other places of work.

If you work at several places, each with a computer, you can run an instance of CleverPsych (with its own CleverData) at each site.

If there are several Psychologists at your office you can give each of them their own CleverData folder (with different names). You can set this up within the system. You only need one CleverPsych folder i.e. the software is shared.

Additional CleverData folders should have names of form CleverDataXXXX e.g. CleverDataFred or CleverDataNewYorkOffice.

You can also put all the CleverDataXXXX folders (and CleverPsych) into a cloud service like Dropbox so they can be accessed on lots of computers.
